About Us
Our Vision
An empowered LGBTQIA+ community who are confident being their authentic selves in every workplace.
To empower LGBTQIA+ people to thrive at work in the formative stages of their career.
Our Mission
Since our founding in 2013, Out for Australia (OFA) has remained true to our purpose of providing support, role models and mentoring for young, and inspiring LGBTQIA+ people across the country as they navigate their way through the early stages of their career. We continue to bring the community together, offering inclusive spaces for LGBTQIA+ community and allies to connect and develop skills.
We first existed as Out for Sydney, which was launched in September 2013 by founder Rob Atkinson with guests including the Hon. Alex Greenwich. We soon realised there was a national need for our services, and we relaunched as Out for Australia in March 2015 at NSW Parliament House in Sydney with former NSW Governor Dame Marie Bashir appointed our inaugural patron and Matthew Yeldham our inaugural CEO. Over the next 12 months, we launched in Victoria, Queensland, Western Australia and ACT. As of now, OFA has a presence in every state and territory in the country
Our History
Our vision is an empowered LGBTQIA+ community who are confident being their authentic selves in every workplace.
Despite the progress since marriage equality in Australia in 2017, stigma and discrimination continue to be commonplace for LGBTQIA+ people in Australian society. Our community’s mental health and wellbeing lag behind the rest of the country, with the picture ever starker for our community’s most marginalised. Whichever job we hold, or in whichever industry we work, the significant portion of our lives that we spend at work can have a big impact on our overall well being.
Our Purpose
Our mission is to empower LGBTQIA+ people to thrive at work in the formative stages of their career.
Despite younger generations being more likely to identify as LGBTQIA+ and first coming out younger, they are the least likely to be out at work. The transition from education to the workplace sees many choosing to go back into the closet. Only 24.5% of LGBTQIA+ people aged 18-24 years in 2020 were out to everyone they work with, less than half compared to those over 35.
Workplaces have a vital role to play in changing this narrative, and so do we.
Our experience in the workplace is not just shaped by the organisation we work for, but by the people within them, and the communities of people connected to them.
Out for Australia builds connection across our community, across our workplaces, and across generations. We are empowering our next generation to thrive at work.
Our Strategic Pillars
We run Australia’s leading LGBTQIA+ mentoring program, creating meaningful relationships across our community.
Career Mentoring
We are Australia’s thought leader on the experiences of LGBTQIA+ people in the formative stages of their career.
Trusted thought leadership
We create space, connection and belonging through our fun, diverse and accessible events.
Engaging events
We enrich the career development of LGBTQIA+ people through experiences and opportunities.
Rewarding professional development
We amplify and celebrate diverse role models who lead with their authentic self at work and contribute to the LGBTQIA+ community.
Influential role models
We build our community through collaborative relationships with other for-purpose organisations, tertiary institutions, and workplaces.
Community building relationships
Download our Impact Reports
Learn more about our work and the positive impacts we make on LGBTQIA+ communities.
Impact report - 2023
Impact report - 2024
What are the terms?
Out for Australia uses the term LGBTQIA+ to refer to people who identify as
Queer / Questioning
What’s our legal status?
Out for Australia is an independent not-for-profit organisation. We are registered as a charity with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC).
We have Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) status, meaning any donations to Out for Australia are tax deductible.
How can I get involved?
There are several ways you can get involved:
Become a mentee/mentor (it's free)