Honour Roll
Acknowledging incredible contributions across our organisation
Out For Australia is grateful to the many individuals who have given their time and energy since our founding, and who have helped our organisation to grow into the success it is today. The Out For Australia Honour Roll recognises some of these incredible contributions.
Charles Sunstrom
Vice President, Out For Sydney, COO & Chair
Charles is one of the Co-Founders of OFA , having served as the organisation’s first Chief Operating Officer, an inaugural board member and OFA’s second Chairperson from 2019-2020.
Before OFA was founded, Charles served as Vice-President of Out for Sydney (OFS), the precursor to OFA, alongside fellow OFA co-founder and OFS President, Matt Yeldham. Charles is currently pursuing an MBA at the London Business School as the Reaching Out Scholar.
Non-Executive Director 2015 - 2020
Prue was one of the early OFA Board Directors supporting the growth and development of the organisation since 2015. Prue stepped down from the Board in 2020.
Elaine Czulkowski
Non-Executive Director 2013 - 2017
Elaine is one of the founders of Out for Sydney, which launched in October 2013 and evolved into Out of Australia. Within a few months of the initial idea we had 40 mentors and mentees and Out for Sydney was born. I don't think we ever imagined it could grow into what is now a national program with over a thousand mentors and mentees, and events in every state which educate and inform - all run by outstanding young volunteers!
Elaine is currently working as an Associate Director with ACON's Pride Inclusion Programs.
Matt Yeldman
Co-Founder, Out For Australia; former CEO & Chair
Matthew is one of the Co-Founders of Out for Australia and its first CEO and Chair. With over 5 years at the helm of the organisation from 2014, Matthew led Out for Sydney’s development into the national organisation that Out for Australia is today. Matthew is currently a Senior Policy Adviser in the NSW Government.
Co-Founder, Out For Sydney; President
Rob was the President and one of the Co-Founders of Out for Sydney, the precursor organization to Out for Australia. Based on his experience with similar organizations in the US, he decided to found the organization after working in Sydney in consulting and investing and seeing the need for mentorship and support for emerging LGBTQ professionals. Rob received his MBA with honors from Harvard Business School and works as a startup product manager in New York City. Outside of work, Rob enjoys traveling in the US and abroad and discovering new neighborhoods in New York's outer boroughs.
David Ball
National Mentoring Coordinator; National People and Enablement Coordinator
David volunteered with Out for Australia from 2014 to 2017; and played a key role in establishing the mentoring program and supporting the launch of OFA in WA and ACT. David now works in financial services.
Out for Australia CEOs
Matt Yeldam
Matt was the first CEO of Out for Australia.
Matt is a Senior Policy Advisor with the NSW Government.
Luke Furness
Luke was the second CEO of Out for Australia.
Luke is a Senior Associate in the litigation team at Clayton Utz.
Emily Scott
Emily was the third CEO of Out for Australia.
Emily is a Senior Consultant at Nous Group and holds a Bachelor of Laws and Science from USYD.
Blake Connell
Blake was the fourth CEO of Out for Australia.
Blake is a Senior Lawyer at the Australian Government Digital Transformation Agency.